ELA--essay due Wednesday; vocabulary test Friday; do "Choosing the right word" and "synonyms" and "antonyms" for Tuesday social studies--finish reading and notes for section 1, chpt. 13, p. 446-447
Category: 8th Grade
Thursday, October 22, 2015
ELA--notecards due for unit 4 vocab.; spelling test Monday; vocab test Friday; Essay--new, edited version (preferably typed) with a word count due Monday social studies--vocabulary for chpt. 13--p. 443, Key terms at bottom of page--don't do people
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
religion–2 paragraph response to Rosary project: 1 paragraph on your role in the project and reflection on the group dynamic, and a second paragraph reflecting on the project itself–what you learned, how it can help you pray, what you thought...
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
WEDNESDAY IS PICTURE RETAKE DAY! religion--2 paragraph response to Rosary project due Thursday: 1 paragraph on your role in the project and reflection on the group dynamic, and a second paragraph reflecting on the project itself--what you learned, how it...
Monday, October 19, 2015
Religion--meditation for mystery of Rosary; use assignment paper as model social studies--study guide: Who am I? and What am I? identifications. Complete in notebooks. Chapter 12 test Thursday. Notes: Book orders are due Thursday. You can order online with my...
Thursday, October 15, 2015
ELA--study for vocab test social studies--read chpt. 12, section 3 and take notes; chpt. test on 10/22.