Author: aogborn

4th Grade

Homework 9/14

Math - Study multiplication tables Spelling activity - Please make sure your homework book is signed and the activity is written down if  you cannot bring the activity in to school.  Test is Friday Picture Day is this Wednesday 9/16...

4th Grade

Homework 5/5

Grammar test is Thursday Spelling activity - test Friday Measuring cups and spoons for Friday - please no glass Social Studies - test on famous Pennsylvanians is Friday Reading - Reread My Brother Martin, test Thursday

4th Grade

Homework 5/4

Math - page 197 , test on Chp. 10 is on 5/15 Grammar - Study 136, 140, 144, 148, 152, test is on Thursday Spelling - activity, test Friday Reading - Study 7 vocab. words that go with the story,...

4th Grade

Homework 4/29

Math - Social Studies  - Be prepared to present your report tomorrow.  Also begin studying the famous people that have been shared. Test will be next Friday, 5/8 Grammar - Study pages 136, 140, 144 so far. Test will...

4th Grade

Homework 4/28

Math - Practice facts, fractions or anything else we have covered so far this year;  Sumdog Vocabulary - page 123 Social Studies - PA biography is due Thursday! Grammar - Study pages 136 and 140 so far Trip info. and...