Math - study 6 table Grammar - test tomorrow - study pages 48 and 52 Writing piece due first thing Wednesday morning Advent Sheet - please keep up with doing at least 2 kind things a week Prayer Service and...
Author: aogborn
4th Grade Homework 12/15
Spelling - test tomorrow, no activity required Grammar - study page 48 and page 52 (first rule), test Tuesday Advent sheet - remember to do at least 2 kind things each week Dress Down tomorrow - Christmas colors $1.00 *Opinion...
4th Grade Homework 12/8
Math - study multiplication tables Vocabulary - test tomorrow Social Studies - Study for test on 12/14 Grammar - Study pages 48 and 52, test 12/20 Return signed report card envelope - please keep report card
4th Grade Homework 12/7
Math - sheet # 4,5,6 Vocabulary - page 62, test Friday Social Studies - test 12/14 Grammar - Study page 48, irregular nouns Religion - Keep up with doing kind things and recording it on the back of your Advent...
4th Grade Homework 12/6
Math - page 89 #2 and 3 Vocabulary - page 61, test Friday Religion - test tomorrow, Religion Award due for November Social Studies -study for test on 12 /14 Report cards go home on Thursday 12/8
4th Grade Homework 12/1
Math - sheet #1 Spelling -activity, test tomorrow Religion - Study highlights for Chp. 3, test Tuesday 12/6 Social Studies - Study notes, test 12/14 Book Orders due tomorrow Secret Santa Shop - Tuesday 12/6 Religion Award due 12/7
4th grade homework 11/30
Math - study mult. tables Spelling - activity, test Friday Religion - study Chp. 3, test 12/6 Social Studies - Study where regions are located - page 15, , more notes to study will be copied by Friday, test 12/14...
4th Grade Homework 11/29
Spelling - activity, test Friday Religion - Study for Chp. 3 test on 12/6 Social Studies - Study where each region is located - page 15 , test will be on Wed. 12/14 - there will be more notes and...
4th grade homework 11/21
Math - page 75 #2-12 evens Grammar - page 41 Part B, test Wednesday Finish Thanksgiving story tonight - it is due tomorrow! Canned Goods - tomorrow is the last day for the contest
4th grade homework 11/16
Vocabulary - page 52, test Friday Grammar - study pages 40 and 44, test Wed. 11/23 Canned Goods Dress Down Friday - $1.00 or a canned good